Verbose Meander Through The Past

Three women, three stories, then a meandering examination that goes basically nowhere. Summer 1991 When I was a couple months shy of turning 13 I met a girl named Nicole. I’d had “girlfriends” before I met her, girls for whom I had little more than the ill-defined flush of being slightly more than friends with, … Continue reading Verbose Meander Through The Past

Late Night Stranger

A couple of years ago, around the middle of the Covid lockdown, I went for a drive to rid myself of a restless feeling of boredom. I made my way up into Oregon because it’s pretty and, when faced with the choice of heading North or South, North appealed more. I pulled into Gold Beach … Continue reading Late Night Stranger

So, this week sucked for me. I shouldn't say this but, fuck it, it's true. I'll start off with a simple list of exactly what happened this week, then I'll explain why this week sucked because of all of that. 1. I woke up Monday morning in fucking AGONY. 2. Found out that I needed … Continue reading

I am going to endeavor to make this my last post on the subject of my break up with my ex-fiancé. I won't make any promises because circumstances have shown me promises are foolish sometimes. They're verbal contracts that have no remedy when broken, at least none of the ones I've ever made. But I … Continue reading

Is hope ever foolish? I've asked myself this question a lot, several times a day actually, over the last 79 days. I've come down on both sides of this question equally and that drives me crazy. I know that a satisfactory answer will probably never come unless either answer is proven true. I'll know it … Continue reading

One of the more difficult aspects of a break up of the kind I've experienced is the missing of the other person. When it's not an occurance that you either wanted or needed the consequences are drastic and terrible. That's in no way to say that the other person doesn't miss you as well, it's … Continue reading